Advocating for Indigenous Rights: We Will Be Silent No More

Our voices will only get louder, until justice and fairness is achieved.

In March, with the announcement of NWAC’s Summit of the Americas on Violence Against Indigenous Women, we said we would be silent no more—and that is exactly what we have done since.

Over the past few months, NWAC has vocally expressed disappointment about the lack of government action in addressing the National Inquiry’s Calls for Justice. We were not alone in feeling let down by the government, but we took it two steps further. First, we developed our own action plan, entitled Our Calls, Our Actions. Outlining concrete steps forward, NWAC is leading the way in putting the 251 Calls for Justice into action. However, the lack of movement on the part of the government is negligible, which is why NWAC also filed a human rights complaint in Canada and requested international intervention from the Organization of American States (OAS) and the United Nations.

 Advocating for Indigenous Rights: We Will Be Silent No More

At the same time, NWAC has been advocating for justice for residential school survivors and their families. As mass and unmarked graves continue to be uncovered, and this heinous legacy of the Canadian government is being put in the spotlight, it is time for justice. NWAC has called for criminal charges against governments, churches, and others who are responsible for the deaths of thousands of children who were forced to attend residential schools.

The advocacy work that is a central part of NWAC’s mission is essential to advancing Indigenous rights and finding concrete steps forward to address ongoing crises, like the genocide against Indigenous women and girls. This advocacy work will continue to expand as NWAC’s role on the national stage continues to grow.

Three months ago, NWAC pledged that we would be silent no more.

Now, we pledge that our voice will only get louder.

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